Strengthening and interconnecting transformative social movements
We hear a lot about fragmentation within our movements and about the need to make them more diverse, inclusive, and empowering. We know that there are deep challenges involved in overcoming forms of oppression, such as racism, patriarchy, classism or ableism, which can often be reproduced within our movements themselves. This training aims to help us explore these challenges and to develop practices and strategies to build diverse movements capable of embodying active solidarity,and mutual empowerment. This course is aimed at those who already have a basic knowledge and experience of working with power and privilege themes at a group level and who want to build on that to bring their practice up to the inter-organisational and movement level.
We often bring perspectives of power and the privilege we bear into our groups and organisational dynamics. We also need to think about them at a movement level and in building alliances and wider forms of collaboration. This training will create a reflective space in which we can explore the challenges this involves and begin to design and develop approaches for responding to them.
There are no ready-made recipes for practising solidarity and intersectional organising, therefore the training will be designed in a way that allows for deep reflection, identifying challenges and unhelpful organising patterns and will support participants in developing their capacity to respond to challenges and transform movement building cultures in ways that feel most empowering in the local context and with the communities involved. We want to collectively create a courageous space so that we can step out of our comfort zones and enable critical reflection on movement practices and cultures, starting on a personal level and moving to movement level.
We will explore how organising rooted in active and intentional solidarity can make our movements stronger and more resilient (rather than fragmented) and how we can practise intersectionality from a place of value alignment and vision for justice and joy rather than a fear of making mistakes, shame and blame.
The training assumes a basic literacy with power and privilege themes. We will cover a basic introduction to create common ground but we want to move beyond the basic level analysis and knowledge.
Key topics will include:
Main methods and approaches:
Who is it aimed at?
Anyone with experience in socially engaged action addressing ecological, political and social justice issues. We embrace a broad definition of activism, including: Resistance – action preventing further damage to ecosystems and social justice; Renewal – action focused on developing and creating alternatives for healthier societies and communities; and Building Resilience – action supporting increased resilience in communities to weather the uncertain times ahead. You will need a basic literacy with power and privilege themes to be able to participate in this course, as well as experience in movement participation. This course might not be suitable for those just starting their engagement with social movements.
The course will be delivered in accessible, international English.
As a social activist and trainer, and a member of SPINA trainer’s for social change collective and European Action for Youth (EYFA) network, Ewe is project lead for Ulex’s LGBTQI+ psycho-social resilience and holistic security programme. Ewe works with grassroots groups involved in social and environmental struggles, and also NGOs in the areas of social and environmental justice. As a WenDo trainer – a self defense and self assertiveness method for women and trans* people – they are passionate about working with body awareness as a radical means of deconstructing internalized systems of oppression. Ewe is a member of the Ulex core team.
deepening sustainable activism - nurturing resilience
methods and tools for working well with conflict in our groups
1. A thorny-evergreen flowering shrub, with a high capacity for regeneration and resilience. Its seedpods open in contact with fire and it reshoots from charred stumps. A successionary plant that grows well under challenging conditions. It improves soil fertility through nitrogen fixing, preparing the way for renewed biodiversity.
2. A traditional choice for igniting fires. Burns hot and bright.
3. A networked project adding nutrition and fertility to European social movements through training and capacity building. It kindles the realisation of social justice, ecological intelligence, and cognitive vitality.