Pelle Berting

Working from Utrecht, the Netherlands, Pelle Berting builds movements for social and ecological justice. After an MA in Conflict Studies & Human Rights, he started out as conflict transformation trainer and method developer. Realizing the climate crisis threatens the foundations for peace and justice, he entered a life of climate activism. Working as community mobiliser at Greenpeace Netherlands and through other engagements, he helped catalyze the climate justice movement and became skilled at campaign development, coalition-building, mobilisation, organising and (mass) action. Always helping people find their role, supporting grassroots initiative, bridging different movement perspectives, and building trust, leadership, and solidarity. In recent years, he gravitated more and more towards issues of land justice – land rights, ecosystem restoration, the commons, and agro-ecology. His current role at Greenpeace is to grow the agro-ecology movement in the Netherlands and beyond.

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