Cursos y eventos

Desarrollamos y seleccionamos capacitación de alta calidad para activistas y organizaciones. Adoptamos un enfoque integral: buscamos respuestas sistémicas a los desafíos sistémicos. Profundizamos la reflexión y fortalecemos las conexiones para el empoderamiento personal y colectivo.

Fecha de inicio


21 to 28 March 2025

This strand will offer methods, basic skills, frameworks and tools for transforming and dealing with conflicts, turning them into opportunities for deeper understanding and learning. We’ll learn how to support the building of shared understanding, how to access emotions and inner experience, to hold such spaces more safely, and attend to the healing involved in handling conflict.

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28 Mar to 5 Apr 2025

This Training of Trainers aims to support BPOC activists who want to grow as activist-trainers or want to step into trainer roles and use holistic methods of education and facilitation for activists and change makers.

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A range of tools, collective and personal, which can make our activism more effective and sustainable. They can help us avoid burnout and add continuity to our movement building. A ‘regenerative’ approach goes beyond sustainability to explore how we can organise in ways that actually renew or revitalize our own resources and those of our groups – this can help us stay inspired, nourished, & more creative in our tactical approach.

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19 to 26 April 2025

This training will help you to learn the know-how of building more inclusive and empowering environments for activism and social change work. Applying knowledge, frameworks and concepts used in anti-oppression work, we'll explore ways to deal with discrimination and oppression at the individual, organizational and systemic levels - learning how to understand our struggles through the lens of intersectionality.

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How do we use organising strategically in our activism and movement building? How do we develop a practice that moves from short term action to building long term strategies, from fragmented isolated strategies to ecosystemic approaches and alliance building? This training will help you address questions like these, exploring applications to your context, in a collective, participatory and diverse learning environment.

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3 to 11 May 2025

Working with others is not always easy. It can feel frustrating, draining and unproductive. Meetings drag, personalities clash, conflicts arise. But collaboration is key to collective agency and empowerment. It’s a basis for effectiveness, and it can bring forth emergent and creative qualities that alone we can barely imagine. Collaboration is a vital context for individual transformation, enabling us to embody our deepest values.

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Change is multi-layered. The social field, our organisational cultures, and the individuals within them arise in mutual dependence upon each other. Integral Activist Training supports integrated transformation on all of these levels. Integral Activist Training builds this awarenss into the way we do activist education.

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17 to 25 May 2025

This training aims to support activists and organisers who want to step into facilitation roles and use holistic methods of education and facilitation for activists and change makers. This course is an introduction to facilitation and training skills.

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31 May to 8 June 2025

Working with others is not always easy. It can feel frustrating, draining and unproductive. Meetings drag, personalities clash, conflicts arise. But collaboration is key to collective agency and empowerment. It’s a basis for effectiveness, and it can bring forth emergent and creative qualities that alone we can barely imagine. Collaboration is a vital context for individual transformation, enabling us to embody our deepest values.

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31 May to 7 Jun 2025

A range of tools, collective and personal, which can make our activism more effective and sustainable. They can help us avoid burnout and add continuity to our movement building. A ‘regenerative’ approach goes beyond sustainability to explore how we can organise in ways that actually renew or revitalize our own resources and those of our groups – this can help us stay inspired, nourished, & more creative in our tactical approach.

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31 May to 7 June 2025

Effective strategies for social transformation involve the contest for how we think, how we see, and the stories we tell about our world. New stories, new thinking, help new worlds come into being. This training aims to help our movements to tell better stories for a different world.

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14 to 21 June 2025

The retreat is designed to create space for reflection, experience exchange and collective exploration of challenges that come with stepping into leadership roles within social movements, and to facilitate relationship building and peer-to-peer support

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A training for experienced activists and organisers involved in movement level thinking and practice. An opportunity to inquire deeply into how our organisations and networks relate to the wider ecology of our movements – and how these movements relate to wider struggles in the ever changing cultural, socio-political and ecological context. Participants will engage in deep analysis of their own movement practice and ecology. They will gain skills and understanding to make their activism and organising more powerful and transformative.

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