
Booking Information

To reserve a place on an event please contact events@ulexproject.org and complete an application form to confirm availability.

Many events get oversubscribed so please plan to apply early. During the application process we will ask you what financial contribution you intend to make. In order to reserve a booking on most events we require a deposit: €70 (euros) low- or un-waged, €140 (euros) others. If we have places available we will take bookings up until the date the event commences – so do check out availability with us. We also run waiting lists for over-subscribed events in case of cancellations. For reserved places we ask to receive your full contribution two months before the event starts.

The easiest way to make a contribution is to click on this donate button and use either credit/debit cards or a paypal account:

For alternative methods of sending us a contribution you will need to contact us: events@ulexproject.org

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