Imaginant Utopies Reals

Aquest matí d'activitats al Centre Cultural de Bellvitge-Gornal, a Barcelona, amb el poeta Mario Obrero i l’activista i historiadora Sònia Turón, reunirà la memòria històrica i la poesia com a potències creadores de noves narratives emancipadores i formes de resistència. Explorarem preguntes com: Com nodrim la imaginació radical? Com podem il·lusionar-nos per a l'acció col·lectiva solidària? Com impulsar i desenvolupar somnis col·lectius dignes de ser viscuts?

Rethinking CEE Legacy

This training provides a space for deeper reflection and analysis on the specificities of CEE socio-political history and the ways this shapes movement building, activism and pedagogical support for capacity building. This training is semi-open for trainers and organisers involved in training activities and practice in the region, interested in engaging in this kind of deeper reflection and analysis. It provides opportunity to analyse and reflect on their current praxis in context of the region, what works and what we need to rethink.

Holistic Security and Facing Repressions

Activists, human rights defenders, and political organisers can suffer attacks at the hands of both State and non-State actors seeking to hinder their work. This damages our effectiveness and the wellbeing of ourselves and those around us. Such attacks can deter and hinder efforts towards greater social justice and ecological integrity. This training offers methods of analysis, strategy and implementation to protect spaces for activism and resistance.