Rethinking CEE Legacy

2 to 9 Nov 2024

a space for deeper reflection and analysis on the specificities of CEE socio-political history and the ways this shapes movement building, activism and pedagogical support for capacity building

The region of Central and Eastern Europe has seen a variety of framings and developmental narratives in the past 30 years, such as “catching up with the West.” Social movements and their strategies are no exception to that. However, gradually it became clear that not all the tools and narratives used in the “centre” fit into the repertoire of the movement in semi-periphery we refer to as ‘CEE’.


This training provides a space for deeper reflection and analysis on the specificities of CEE socio-political history and the ways this shapes movement building, activism and pedagogical support for capacity building. This training is semi-open for trainers and organisers involved in training activities and practice in the region, interested in engaging in this kind of deeper reflection and analysis. It provides opportunity to analyse and reflect on their current praxis in context of the region, what works and what we need to rethink.

The week in Kunbábony is also an opportunity to reflect on the CEE pilot of ULEX, where five thematic trainings will have been delivered this year. It is also a planning and preparation session for the upcoming years of this CEE programme.

This training is part of the Ulex Central and Eastern Europe Programme pilot year. It is designed and delivered by a training team embedded in CEE social movements.


This training aims:

  • To create a space to develop our shared understanding of the ways that CEE and ‘post-soviet’ socio-political history shape activism in the region, especially in terms of political narratives, cultures and identities.
  • Carry out an in-depth context analysis that helps us to strategically situate ourselves and potential interventions – especially initiatives like the capacity building work of the CEE Programme.
  • Support deeper reflection on the pedagogical implications of the above, including reflections on the experience of the pilot year.
  • To develop and vision framing and content that could support the programme to more adequately situate itself in the CEE context.

We will explore:

  • Some existing work and good praxis examples on these themes, including academic research and ideas.
  • Facilitated process for participatory reflection, discussion, and analysis.
  • Harvesting key insights and areas for ongoing inquiry.
  • Opportunities of future collaborations
  • Collective visioning about the future steps in CEE program
Suggested Contribution
In the solidarity economy: €300/€450/€900
(see the details of our approach to Solidarity Economics for details)

The Team

Our Name

Ulex: Latin (argelaga Catalan, gorse English) noun:

1. A thorny-evergreen flowering shrub, with a high capacity for regeneration and resilience. Its seedpods open in contact with fire and it reshoots from charred stumps. A successionary plant that grows well under challenging conditions. It improves soil fertility through nitrogen fixing, preparing the way for renewed biodiversity.

2. A traditional choice for igniting fires. Burns hot and bright.

3. A networked project adding nutrition and fertility to European social movements through training and capacity building. It kindles the realisation of social justice, ecological intelligence, and cognitive vitality.

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