Spring & Summer Programme 2021 Postponed

Spring & Summer 2021

You know the deal!

As a result of travel restrictions and other factors, our spring and summer programme has been postponed. You’ll find the postponed courses listed with dates to be confirmed. We’ll update the new dates early in 2022. We’ll also monitor the situation and will be updating our scheduling each month looking four months ahead (e.g. we will decide in July whether we think it is viable to go ahead with events in November and so on).

Suggested Contribution
(see the details of our approach to Solidarity Economics for details)

The Team

Our Name

Ulex: Latin (argelaga Catalan, gorse English) noun:

1. A thorny-evergreen flowering shrub, with a high capacity for regeneration and resilience. Its seedpods open in contact with fire and it reshoots from charred stumps. A successionary plant that grows well under challenging conditions. It improves soil fertility through nitrogen fixing, preparing the way for renewed biodiversity.

2. A traditional choice for igniting fires. Burns hot and bright.

3. A networked project adding nutrition and fertility to European social movements through training and capacity building. It kindles the realisation of social justice, ecological intelligence, and cognitive vitality.

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