Ulex Workshop at Global Just Recovery Gathering

April 5, 2021

Coming up from April 9 – 11, 350.0rg and hundreds of organisations round the world will host a global three-day online event for the climate movement to ‘recharge, rebuild, and reconnect’.  The Ulex Project will be offering an Activist Psychosocial Resilience workshop on Friday April 9.

Choices are being made right now that will shape our society for decades to come; the gathering will explore what we need for a just recovery from the climate and COVID-19 crises. A three-day online event with 350.org and hundreds of organisations around the world, the Global Just Recovery Programme is an online opportunity for people around the world to come together to collectively reimagine our future. 

Featuring interactive workshops, cultural sessions, and hands-on trainings, this will be an opportunity to build skills, strengthen relationships, and hear from a powerful line-up of climate leaders, artists, and musicians in every corner of the world. The program events are free, online, multilingual and will be running six hour cycles over three different time zones to make it a truly global event. Learn more and register here.

The plenary panels include:

• Just Recovery for All – with Hakima Abba, Naomi Klein, and Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr

• Hearing the Guardians of the Earth – with Eriel Deranger, Noelene Nabulivou, and Francisco Javier Vera Manzanares

• The Urgency of Intersectional Organizing: BIPOC Voices on Climate – with Chibeze Ezekiel, Pennie Opal Plant, Patricia Wattimena, and Ayakha Melithafa

• End Fossil Finance – with Bill McKibben, Mitzi Jonelle Tan, Sharan Burrow, and Demond Drummer

• Building Power Through Youth Organizing – with Greta Thunberg, Brianna Fruean, and Vanessa Nakate

In addition to the panels and cultural sessions, there will be over 180 workshops and training events to support individuals and campaign groups in designing a new path towards a better future for all. The full list of workshops on offer is listed on the website.

Ulex Project Workshop: Friday 9 April, 17.15-18.45 CET

Climate Justice organising faces high rates of burnout. The scale of the challenge, the emotional impact of the climate reality, and the power of opposition can be overwhelming, depleting, and demotivating.

This workshop will draw on over a decade of training work on activist sustainability and resilience to support participants and their organisations to develop an increased understanding of the issues related to building activist resilience at the personal and group levels. Using a holistic approach that recognises the intersection of personal, group and socio-political dynamics, it will support participants to reflect on the conditions that deplete and undermine their work and motivation – and to explore strategic interventions.

This will be a 90-minute interactive session, using small group activities and reflective exercises.

Who is it for?

The training is for people involved in climate activism, both newer and more experienced activists.

How to apply?

Info and registration here.

After you register you will get an email with your personal credentials to join and a link to the event portal.

Once there, you will be able to navigate the site—browse and sign up for sessions—using a platform called Pheedloop.  A video on the home page provides instructions on how to do that.

See you there!

READ ON: 8 resilience trainers give their 2 top tips for staying sane in fierce times »»»

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