Marina Tota

Marina is an educator, organizer, activist, and researcher committed to build people power for a just and regenerative society. She has a background in psychology and education and about 10 years’ international experience in facilitating transformative learning processes with movements, civil society groups, and international organisations. Originally from Italy, she has lived and worked most of her life in “in between” spaces facilitating learning, collaboration and co-creation between people, groups, organisations, countries, and cultures. She worked with Actionaid’s Global Platforms in Africa, Asia and Central America and Europe coordinating political trainings, participatory research, and developing the capacity of activists, organisers, volunteers, to lead organizing campaigns for climate justice, gender justice, human rights and Panafricanism. While working in Ghana, she facilitated to the creation of national and international activist networks such as Activista Ghana and the African Creative Action Network. Currently, she leads the European Community Organizing Network (ECON) as Network Coordinator responsible for strategic organisational development and network building.