Roberta Fonsato

Roberta is a trainer, drama coach. She has specific training in social theatre, including: Teatro Nucleo in Ferrara (Italy), CETT (Center for Theatre in Therapies) in collaboration with the University of Ferrara, on the topic of social discomfort and International Integrated Theatre at the Academy of Expressive Arts in Rome (Italy). By integrating different body and theatre disciplines and knowledge in the field of psychology, he created the LIA training method “Lab-IntegrArte”. She leads courses for people with mental and physical disabilities. She coordinates different projects in the field of theatre and psychiatry. As a trainer her activity is aimed at different areas: social, academic, health and business. She has worked abroad: Ethiopia (Africa), La Habana (Cuba), Argentina, Spain, and holds a degree in Psychology of Work, Degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Operator in Evolutionary Biomusic