Voytek Ziolkowska
Location: Berlin, Germany
Role: Project Coordinator
Organisation: European Action For Youth

Col·lectiu Eco-Actiu’s training has really supported capacity building in organisations we work with. Activists have taken their learning into diverse campaigns from anti-fracking camps to anti-fascist street work, and used it to support effective, impactful collaboration with an ability to remain resourced and engaged in challenging situations. Beyond this the trainings have inspired other creative training initiatives, especially amongst grassroots groups in our Eastern European network, for example those conducting migrant solidarity work, anti-authoritarian education or queer-feminist skill-sharings. On a personal level I learned practical tools which to use in my daily activism (in particular strategising methods) and new communication skills to offer and receive feedback for radical personal change. It also helped me understand my behavioural habits in the past that I associate with processes of burn out, and to develop different possible responses among which to choose in the future. Col·lectiu Eco-Actiu rocks!

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