Trainer Network

We work with an extensive and ever growing network of experienced trainers across Europe. We want our educational work to be alive and adaptive to the needs of our movements, maintaining relevance, innovation and applicability as much as possible. Working with a broad network of talented trainers is fundamental to this and is a big part of what makes our training work what it is.


A nomadic dancer, farmer, spice conjurer, shepherd, forest walker and mountain disciple, Macchli moves with all that is unseen, unheard,  inexplicable and deeply incarnated. Practicing dance, martial arts and theatre making as ways of organizing community, resisting and confronting systemic inequity, remain as strong traces of lives lived and fuels the resilience yet to build. Macchli is a spirited part of transqueer, decolonising and polyrhythmic disruptions in their present borrowed place of living.

István Ferenczi

Location: Hungary

(he/him) has spent the last 25 years in and around the Hungarian social movement and alternative education scenes, taking various roles. Originally trained as a teacher of English, he first became involved in Outward Bound’s outdoor team buildings. He then went on to become co-founder of the green activist youth organisation Zöfi, then co-founder of the local Transition Towns initiative in Wekerletelep, Budapest and trainer of the Transition Movement. He joined the Hungarian green party LMP in 2009 and spent 10 years as a local councillor.

He is presently working as an electrician at Gólya, a workers’ cooperative in Budapest.



Location: Spain

Lu (she/her). I have a passion for group dynamics and fractal processes, landed intersectionality, interconnectedness, and prefiguration. I bring with me my biologist background, Process Work Facilitation methodology, and organising experience. I’m currently based nearby Madrid, discovering new pathways through community living. I love gardening and aerial silks.

Lena Bielska

Location: Poland

Lena Bielska (they/them) – psychotherapist, working in the Gestalt therapy. One of their main areas of interest is therapeutic development in working with LGBTQ+ people and people from groups at risk of discrimination and exclusion. Certified WenDo trainer, anti-discrimination trainer, drama trainer. They specialize therapeutically in the area of GDSR (gender, sex and relationships diversity). Their experience also includes 4 years of working with people experiencing sexual violence and violence in close relationships.
As a trainer, they work mainly in the area of counteracting violence and discrimination as well as empowerment, counteracting burnout and crises in activist and social work. Founder of HerStory Foundation and initiator of the Center for Activist Support. Innovator and creator of projects for social change and human rights. Fellow of many international organizations and cohorts.

Natalia Sarata

Location: Poland

Natalia Sarata (she, her) – based in Poland, facilitator and consultant for progressive social movements. She has been active in human rights movements in Poland since 2002. Having experienced burnout in social activism herself, she now works with Fundacja RegenerAkcja (RegenerAction Foundation) and supports NGOs, groups and collectives in taking care of themselves and building organizational cultures that prevent burnout. She works in Poland and internationally, currently focusing on mentoring work and on establishing a regenerative home for tired activists in the woods of Mazovia region. She comes from a rural area in the south of Poland and now she lives with her partner and their dog in Warsaw and in the small village of Szumin.

Sharmeen Khan

Sharmeen Khan is an organizer, trainer and writer based in Toronto, ON – on the traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit covered by Treaty 13.  She has been organizing and training since the late 1990s and has led hundreds of workshops in anti-oppression, direct action, media skills, financial management and facilitation. She is passionate about radical, alternative media and was active in community radio stations for 15 years.  She is a former fellow with Training for Change’s Judith C. Jones Fellowship of Colour and also received training from Ruckus, Greenpeace and Emergent Strategy Training with Adrienne Maree Brown. She most recently completed the Movement Learning Catalyst program in 2024.She is currently an organizer with No One Is Illegal – Toronto and is also on the editorial collective of Upping the Anti : A Journal of Theory and Action. She also coordinates the training collective in Toronto called Tools for Change – an activist based training series that aims to give hard skills to new organizers.. She currently works at a small union local with the Canadian Union of Public Employees and her waged labour is mostly as a bookkeeper when she isn’t training. Sharmeen really likes to nerd out on theory and hopes activists can contribute more to theoretical understanding and analysis of our movements. She is passionate about recording and reflecting on social movements in print or audio. She is also passionate about real conversations about oppression and identity that go beyond performativity to making real relationships of solidarity and liberation.

Baška Adamková

Baška (they/them) Facilitation, education, direct action and network building form the core of my life and work. Rooted in environmental science and climate justice organising, I am searching for ways to handle this mess of a world collectively, with the rage and kindness it requires. I am based in a Czech organisation Re-set: platform for socio-ecological transformation, where I am supporting collectives, cooperatives and groups in self-organising, learning and skill-sharing.


Location: Hungary

Zsófi has been passionate about social and climate justice since her teenage years. She has been involved in Hungarian activism, focusing on economic democracy, mental health, and green sustainability. She volunteered during the founding of Hungary’s first green party and was a member of the Gólya Cooperative from its establishment. After leaving Gólya, she directed her energy toward supporting groups in forming more cooperatives and facilitating the development of existing ones. She served as the coordinator of the emerging Solidarity Economy Network at the Solidarity Economy Centre. Later, she collaborated with various network members, leading different projects on organizational development and horizontal decision-making. Additionally, she deepened her knowledge of community building through training and internships with the Global Ecovillage Network. Over the last five years, she has been one of the main organizers of the ‘Gyüttment’ sustainable knowledge-sharing festival, as well as organizing different green events such as summer universities, training sessions, and other festivals.


Location: Czech Republic

Marika (she/they) is organizer, trainer and facilitator in the climate justice movement in Czech republic. After being involved in grassroot group Limity jsme my for 5 years and organizing several climate camps, she moved to the coal region in Northern Bohemia, where she organizes local communities for just transition from fossil fuels. She worked in Re-set: platform for social-ecological transformation around the topics of divestment from fossil fuels, energy poverty and community energy. She is co-founder of a social housing cooperative, which runs a community center. As a trainer, she takes part in trainings focused on capacity building in grassroots movements, just transition, community organizing or facilitation. Apart from that, Marika is passionate about mushroom growing, picking wild herbs and gardening.

Jakub Mácha

Jakub (he/him) works at the interface between social movements, academia, and non-formal education. His journey began at anti-fascist blockades, later he became involved in the climate justice movement and the Limity jsme my movement organizing climate camps in Czech coal regions. Those included both collective education and direct actions against fossil fuel infrastructure. Alongside this, he worked for several years as a youth worker training on the tools of activism and political organizing. Nowadays, he develops material and curriculums relevant to the CEE context in the trainers platform for social- ecological transformation. On the academic front, Jakub delves into studies on social- ecological resilience, focusing on the exchange of knowledge(s) and practices among different actors.

Mónika Bálint

Location: Budapest

Lives in Budapest, community organizer, and director of Civil College Foundation.  Organizers of the Clear Vote coalition and campaign, to prepare local communities and a network of activists to understand and oppose voter fraud and illegal influence on constituencies. Has experience in neighbourhood organizing, green politics, union organizing, building coalitions and networks, and interest in adapting Sociocracy .


Aurélia is a trainer specialising in active solidarity and group dynamics work. She is interested in systems thinking and body based approaches to training as well. Aurélia’s background is in humanitarian work – working on power dynamics within affected communities and between communities and humanitarian NGOs. Aurélia is part of a collective in the South-West of France that aims at creating alternative economic system, based on local currency and universal income, she is also a member of NonViolent Global Liberation – an online community striving for individual and collective liberation. What drives Aurélia in her training work is seeing how learning and experimenting in group allows for deep and significant realisation & healing, and increases capacity to act and implement changes.

Alexander Leon

Alexander Leon (he/him) is an internationally recognised facilitator, educator, speaker, and LGBTQ+ inclusion advocate.Throughout his career, Alexander’s work has spanned a variety of industries and topics, always with a strong anti-oppression focus. Whether training government ministers on LGBTQ+ inclusion, upskilling grassroots activists on the intersection between climate justice and racial justice, or educating businesses on the importance of understanding systemic oppression, Alexander’s approach is anchored in a strong sense of justice, an avid curiosity, and an openness to play. His clients have included the likes of Greenpeace, NEON, LinkedIn, and Soho House; and his writing on race and queerness has been featured in The Guardian, BBC, The Independent, Huffington Post and more.

Cori Polo

Location: Catalunya

Cori is part of the Ulex team as a trainer, course organiser and coordinator. He is passionate about education and has been trained in various facilitation methods such as process work, theatre of the oppressed and NVC. After years of working with children and teenagers around topics such as sexual education or bullying awareness, he now devotes himself to training and accompanying activist groups. In addition to participating in several local organisations in the area where he lives, Cori loves supporting and maintaining caring communities. In this way, he puts most of his energy into making the beauty of life visible and strengthening the transformative potential of social movements.

Margaret Amaka Ohia-Nowak

Location: Poland

Margaret Amaka Ohia-Nowak is a racial justice activist, trainer and facilitator, scholar, and educator on racism and anti-racism in Poland with over 15 years of experience. Her approach to teaching is holistic, intersectional and decolonial. She uses cognitive and emotional learning, bodywork and somatic methods. Amaka has advocated and organized for Black, African and Afro-descendant communities in Poland. She is the founder of the Centre for Intersectional Justice in Poland, co-founder of the Alliance for Black Justice in Poland, which supports black communities and advocates for racial justice in the CEE region. She is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Social Communication and Media Studies at the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland, where her research focuses on race, racism and the portrayal of blackness in language and media discourse. She is a board member of the Polish Association of People of African Descent and a board member of the Black Europe Foundation. Additionally, Amaka is a member of the Decolonial Working Group at the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy and a local connector for the Multitudes Foundation.


Location: Catalunya

As a Ulex core team member, Ella has been facilitating on trainings for many years. She brings a diverse experience and background, with 10 years external working with not for profit and community based organisations across diverse themes including: advocacy for migrant communities; local community engagement in national policy making; community mental health, and linking national education provision with community development. Her training and facilitation experience is diverse: from delivering formal certified training courses, multi-day residential courses, hosting community focus groups, small group accompaniment, and coordinating informal mental health and community engagement spaces. She has 20 years’ experience of working in teams and has spent the last 14 years developing and practicing approaches to radical, solidarity based collaborations, which underpins her approach to collaborative methodologies.

Binta Jammeh 

Binta wears many hats – educator, facilitator, organizer, activist, social entrepreneur, and mental health advocate – in support of community-led initiatives focused on social and climate justice. She has 10+ years experience working internationally on issues related to digital literacy, educational, social, and economic inclusion of marginalized communities, capacity and community building, and intercultural communication. In addition to organizing and working with anti-racist and feminist organizations in France, her current work focuses on helping movements structure and grow their impact, training youth leaders and activists in campaigning, community building and mobilization, and building networks of peer learning, support, and empowerment for marginalized communities.

Jay Jordan

Location: ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes

Jay (formerly John) Jordan (they/them) is labelled a “Domestic Extremist” by the police, and “a magician of rebellion” by the press. Part-time author, sex worker and full time trouble maker, Jay is a lover of edges, especially between art and activism. They Co-founded Reclaim the street and the clown army, have choreographed carnivalesque riots, written a BBC radio play , facilitated community rituals, always applying joy and creativity to resistance. Education has always been central to their work, they deserted the academy in 2004 to apply pedagogy to social movements. Jay co facilitates the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination  based on the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, where creative direct action stopped a destructive airport project.

Marianne Koch

Marianne is a Holistic Security Trainer and Coach, part of the Holistic Protection Collective. She accompanies activists, human rights defenders and journalists globally. Being an activist herself, she is also a trainer for direct action and civil disobedience, and having a background as a mediator, she trains other activists how to facilitate dealing with conflicts in grassroots groups and diverse teams.

Ralph Underhill

Ralph underhill is communications consultant and trainer specialising in framing – using insights from social psychology and linguistics to help charities and grass roots organisations create messages that better motivate their audiences. Based in Scotland in the UK, he has run workshops and trainings for over a decade and written several communication guides including A practical guide for communicating global justice and solidarity the Positive Communication Toolkit, Framing Nature and most recently the Speaking up for Oceans Toolkit with the Shark Trust.  Before becoming a trainer Ralph worked for several charities including the RSPB in the UK and is also a cartoonist (@cartoonralph).


Jana is a facilitator, activist and organiser dedicated to creating transformative learning spaces and building capacity to collaboratively strategise for system change. With a background in education, she has a passion for critical and experiential pedagogy and research interest in how social movements learn and engage in counter-hegemonic knowledge production. Organising in different networks across the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, the UK, and Germany, she is an adventurer of coalition building and practioner of transnational activism. Drawing from experience in the social and climate justice movement, she recently coordinated the programme for People’s Summit with the COP26Coalition and now works with European Alternatives and the School of Transnational Organizing. Keeping it up with the grassroots; Berlin based.

National University of Ireland Maynooth

There is a long history of student and staff activism at the National University of Ireland Maynooth, a key centre for popular education and research on social movements. A Masters in Community Education, Equality and Social Activism ran for five years, working with experienced activists across a very wide range of movements and social groups. The Maynooth members of MLC are experienced movement researchers and adult educators as well as activists themselves.

Nina Scott

Nina (they/she) is a participatory artist, community organiser and political theatre maker. Theatre of the Oppressed has been a core part of their practice since they trained in India with Jana Sankriti in 2018. They are an artistic director of queer led theatre company, You Should see the Other Guy, who work on and off stage to tackle social injustice and make raucous musical verbatim plays. Nina has designed and delivered multiple TO training programmes in activist, community and academic settings, often combining TO with song making to collaboratively explore themes around power and identity. Their current fascination is thinking about TO as a practical manifestation of queer theory and asking: Is Theatre of the Oppressed queer?

Nontokozo Sedibe

Location: Catalunya

Nontokozo says: I have always been passionate about building community, inner engineering, group dynamics, motivating and empowering others. I enjoy tackling women issues, building bridges of hope and healing between Africa & Europe and beyond, I love sharing knowledge on conscious living, advocating for climate and social justice, and regenerative education. My work  includes education on  diversity and racism awareness. I am a firm believer of UBUNTU an Indigenous African Knowledge System – “I am because we are”. I am committed to creating safe spaces and holistic events for individuals and group processes, to support in achieving desired goals and creating a common vision, using indigenous wisdom, processwork facilitation and other methodologies.’


Location: Catalunya

Hilal Demir, an anarcha-queer DJing at home is an activist, trainer, facilitator for 20 + years and has experience on organizing, strategizing on nonviolent direct action, campaign and social movement levels, working with power, active solidarity, resilience, repression and security.  She is passionate about leading informal learning experiences, community organizing, group dynamics and organisational cultures, supporting activists and organizations to build long lasting transformative social movements for a just future.

La Bolina

Location: Granada, Spain

La Bolina is based in El Valle, south of the city of Granada. It is a project that integrates regeneration, integration and sustainability. As well as regeneration of land and repopulation of rural villages, we are dedicated to the dignified and respectful integration of migrants and refugees through running education and training programmes, building just and ethical employment opportunities and providing community living whilst constructing alternative food systems based on local and circular economies. La Bolina has developed an eco-business growing and distributing veg boxes to a community of customers and to restaurants and eco-shops.

European Community Organizing Network

ECON is a hub for the community organizing movement and supports organizers to build an effective counterbalance to the rise of right-wing extremism, racism, and nationalism in Europe.  ECON serves as a hub for the community organizing movement across Europe with a focus on developing the craft of organizing through training and mentorship, technical assistance, and by creating a space for organizers from different countries to collectively develop their strategic practice.


Location: UK

Alex has been designing and facilitating training, geared towards social and personal transformation, for over a decade. They have been part of building long term programs for sustainable activism and psycho-social resilience which have informed Ulex’s work, and coordinated multiple international projects to support propagating this work throughout Europe. Their commitment to social justice and history of activism have involved them in direct action and affinity group work focused on climate justice, anti-capitalism, queer politics and gender identity. As part of the Ulex team, they are involved in project coordination, resource development and course facilitation.

Mo Klosow

Lives in Berlin, where used to work for European Youth for Action (EYFA) supporting groups from the office, today is still part of its network. Right now actively supports right to abortion. Mo was a member of the polish trainer’s collective SPINA, where skilled themselves in various topics and delivered workshops, facilitated groups processes and created materials. Published a book about genderbending.


Location: Catalunya

G has been involved in social movement organising and education since the late 1980’s. He is a highly regarded trainer and has designed numerous training programmes covering areas such as psychosocial resilience in activism, the ecology of social movements, and leaderful organising. As a founding member of the Ulex Project, he is known for highly innovative work blending pedagogical methodologies. This holistic approach to activist learning has inspired numerous training initiatives across Europe. He currently steers the strategic development of the Ulex Project and its social movement capacity building programme.


Location: Catalunya

Neus has been passionate about education since she was 8 years old and went dumpster diving in teachers’ recycling bins for worksheets to help other students learn at break-time. They moved from Castellon to Scotland to study Community Education, with a focus on youth work and adult education, where she co-founded The New Leaf Co-op, a successful workers’ co-op in Edinburgh. Whilst there Neus developed their understanding of how productivity meets good working conditions meets overturning the food system meets resourcing the commons with resilient and democratically managed capital. These passions now underpin her multiple roles at Ulex; from team culture and coordination to training and writing funding applications.


Location: Germany

The Klima*Kollektiv is struggling for a society which keeps the ecological balance and offers everyone access to the fundamental ressources. Furthermore, we want to create an economical and participatory system where those values and ideas are possible to develop and exist. Therefore the Klima*Kollektiv works on the three key fields of social change: education, creating alternative structures and debate & action

Alex Swain

Alex has been facilitating courses geared towards social and personal transformation for the past 6 years. They have spent the last 10 years as a core member of the collective running the Ulex Project and has a deep experience of the integral approach we have developed. Their area of training expertise is sustainable activism and skills for developing ‘deeper resources’ for action. Their commitment to social justice and history of political activism have involved them in direct action and affinity group work focused on climate justice, anti-capitalism, queer politics and gender identity. A strong focus on the somatic dimension and embodied practice (informed by their work as a dance artist and yoga teacher) underpins both their approach.

Alfred Decker

Location: Montnegre i el Corredor, Barcelona, Catalunya

Alfred Decker’s passion in life has been ecological and social justice activism, of which permaculture has played a central part. Since his first Permaculture Design Course in 1998 in California, Alfred has been involved with social movements and projects throughout Europe and the Americas. He is an award-winning permaculture designer, a certified educator with the Permaculture Association Britain, and one of Europe’s leading permaculture educators. Alfred is the founder of the 12 Principles Permaculture Design consultancy, Permacultura Barcelona and the Forest Gardens project at Can Masdeu; is a co-founder of the Spanish Permaculture Academy (Academia de Permacultura Íbera); and was a member of the European Permaculture Teachers Partnership and the Permaculture Council of Europe.  Alfred holds a post graduate diploma in sustainable architecture and renewable energy (Centre for Alternative Technology).After taking a permaculture teachers training with Rosemary Morrow in 2011, he undertook a two year mentorship and later co-taught six courses with her, ultimately earning a Diploma in Permaculture Education & Community Development in 2013 through the Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute (Australia). Committed to furthering the teachers’ training platform “Training Permaculture Teachers” (TPT) that Rosemary developed in over three decades of teaching experience around the world, Alfred co-edited her TPT manual and organised a successful crowdfunding campaign to develop the platform.In the coastal mountains of Montnegre, Catalunya, Alfred is the co-director of the community biochar project Montbio, which won a 2017 Lush Spring Prize for Social and Environmental Regeneration.

Kara Moses

Kara is a facilitator of socio-ecological regeneration. As an educator, Kara devised and co-developed ‘Radical Nature Connection’ as an approach and co-holds this strand of work at Ulex. Kara delivers courses and lectures on Masters degrees on radical, decolonial approaches to nature connection, rewilding and ancestral skills (with a focus on foraging, tracking and trees) at the Centre for Alternative Technology, Schumacher College and independently. Kara works as a freelance writer and is active on socio-environmental issues within grassroots movements, and spends the Winter months working in conservation forestry, restoring ancient woodlands. Kara runs a Wild Recovery program for people recovering from addiction and chairs a charity that runs the 350-acre Cambrian Wildwood project, which is restoring wild habitats in the Cambrian foothills and creating access to immersion in wild nature.

May MacKeith

May (she/her) is an experienced nature facilitator, who’s been helping people to connect with nature for over 15 years and with Forest School Camps (FSC) alongside many other organisations. Most recently she co-founded the Natural Resilience Project, which builds personal resilience though connection to nature with migrant women in cities across the UK.

In her free time May is a passionate campaigner and activist, and for the last decade or more has worked on a range of issues, often with an environmental emphasis. With Plane Stupid she focused on aviation, and went on to help establish Grow Heathrow, a squatted community food growing project in the path of the proposed 3rd runway. After many years spent fighting dirty big business, and standing with communities being damaged by extractive industries with Reclaim the Power, her activism most recently joined the dots between the aviation industry’s ties with the UK home Office’s brutal process of deportation by charter flight. She was one of the Stansted 15 defendants in a long running court case which spanned between 2017-2021.

Aua / Miguel Plaza

Nature-lover and “unlearner”, my vocation is to foster social and cultural transformation from different perspectives. My origins and rural life, and my history of participation in social movements, connect me to the “earth” dimension of life, to community and to collective work for social and environmental justice. Facilitation has been my main activity since 2016, specializing in the emotional management of groups and conflict transformation. I also work with groups of men around gender and sustainable masculinities and do research in the fields of Systems Thinking, Deep Ecology and Group Dynamics.


Location: Wendland, Germany

Jael is part of a grassroots facilitation and training collective for social movements called KommunikationsKollektiv and the German action training network Skills for Action. They have been facilitation workshops on sustainable activism, consensus decision making and  anti-oppression. In recent years Jael has started to focus on the somatic part of transformation and social change and is part of a European politicized somatics group. Jael is also a part time organic grower.


Location: Catalunya

Ilaj is an experienced trainer, mostly holding space for collective exploration of the topics of burnout, weathering repression, navigating trauma and cultivating solidarity in social movements. Ilaj is project lead for Ulex’s LGBTQI+ psycho-social resilience and holistic security programme. Before committing full time to Ulex, Ilaj was involved in various grassroots social movements, mostly in Eastern and Southern Europe. Ilaj is also a feminist self defence and assertiveness trainer and they are passionate about working with body awareness as a radical means of deconstructing internalized systems of oppression. Ilaj is a member of the Ulex core team.

Peter Steudtner

Peter Steudtner is a freelance trainer on Holistic Security and Nonviolent Conflict Transformation as well as a documentary photographer and filmmaker. His engagement in holistic security accompaniment is currently part of the Digital Defenders Partnership ( as a Psychosocial Support Facilitator as well as within the Holistic Protection Collective globally for Human Rights Organisations, journalists and activists. He is one of the authors of https://holistic-security.org and

Ruth Cross

Ruth Cross is co-founder of Eroles Project – an international learning for action centre, and, Asociación La Bolina – a visionary intercultural initiative working to regenerate land and lives through creating social integration and sustainable livelihoods for locals, migrants and refugees in El Valle, Andalucia, Spain. She is the Artistic Director of Cross Collaborations, an award winning arts for change immersive theatre company.

Ruth is an experienced arts activist, social theatre maker, researcher and educator specialising in instigating transformative and regenerative change. She can be found directing immersive performance with migrants and refugees, creating participatory arts action campaigns and coordinating cross-disciplinary projects with organisations, decision-makers, civil society and local communities.

For the last 10 years Ruth has facilitated capacity building training with activists and social movements. She is a research contributor with Schumacher Research in Action community, is a member of the international Delicate Activism community and of Social Arts network ImaginAction. As well as a collaborator with Asociación Solidaria Andaluza de Desarrollo (ASAD).

George Wielgus

George is a practitioner of the Theatre of the Oppressed, writer, performance poet and natural farmer who has travelled extensively across Europe and Asia working with groups ranging from the homeless in London, subsistence farmers in India, victims of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, to recovering heroin addicts and street kids in Kuala Lumpur. As founder of the training collective Reboot The Roots they have a decade of experience as a facilitator and educator in fields ranging from TESOL and drama therapy to drug rehabilitation and conflict resolution. They qualified in their Certificate in Joker Training and Certificate in Rainbow of Desire whilst working with Cardboard Citizens in 2010.

Natasha Adams

Natasha’s years as a grassroots activist focused on environmental and social justice, and anti-militarism, evolved into a career as a professional campaigner which has spanned the last decade. She is a self described social change geek, obsessed about bringing fresh perspectives to the important question of how best campaigns, especially those focused on transformative systems change, can succeed. To this end she has convened numerous workshops and events exploring the theory and practice of many aspects of campaigning, and has gained a reputation as an activism expert in the UK. Having become frustrated with the limitations of NGO campaigning, Natasha now works as a freelancer, prioritising projects promoting community organising approaches and nurturing European social movements. Natasha also runs the Engaging Activists Facebook group and writes her own blog on activism and social change.

Laurence Cox

Location: National Univerisity Maynooth, Ireland

Laurence is a Dublin-based writer, teacher and activist, and one of Europe’s best-known social movement researchers. He’s been in many different movements starting with anti-war and anti-apartheid activism in the 1980s, including helping organise the anti-capitalist “movement of movements” in Ireland, media spokesperson for a summit protest, resisting Shell, networking between movements and parties, alternative schools and kindergartens, co-running a Masters for activists, helping organise a Zapatista tour and editing several radical publications, most recently the activist-researcher social movement journal Interface. In his day job as a researcher, he’s written or edited a dozen books as well as lots of free stuff which you can find here. Once he was a street musician but now prefers plumbing wood-fired hot tubs in a field for Buddhist camping retreats.

Maria Llanos

Location: Granada, Spain

María worked for the Red Cross in community development, strengthening civil society, education, and food security in Latin America and Africa. Building on her studies in social psychology and international development, she studied Alternative Economics at Schumacher College, UK. This led her into work on organisational change with NGOs and grassroots movements. María specialises in complexity and participation applied to organisations: organisational structures and culture, emergent strategy, leadership amongst others. She co-founded The Eroles Project, a learning for action project and La Bolina, a systemic project looking at repopulation, inclusion and agroecology. María´s co-authored: Small is Important: Learnings from an integration and regeneration ProjectFactores Clave para la Acción Reflexión Colaborativa, Enfoques y herramientas participativas en la cooperación al desarrollo, Activism and spirituality.

Paula Haddock

Paula was INTRAC‘s Training Manager for more than 5 years. She was responsible for managing INTRAC’s broad range of training programmes including tailor-made, open, and blended courses. She has continued her work with INTRAC as an associate and trains on training of trainers, facilitation skills, M&E of training and managing roll outs effectively. She is a co-founding member of the Training Providers Forum which is an informal network of non-profit training providers working across the development and humanitarian sector. The forum has been running for five years, sharing best practices in training provision, forming collaborations, and offering yearly workshops to sector on key themes such as M&E of training and building the capacity of local training providers. Paula has also been exploring how inner practices can help to support social change work through building personal awareness, resilience and insight. She is training to be a mindfulness teacher and is a co-founding member of the Mindfulness and Social Change Network.


The Ecodharma training collective have innovated and delivered programmes across 20 countries for close to a decade, collaborating with diverse organisations and trainers, to support hundreds of activists from across Europe. They’ve developed a renowned training programme that has supported a culture of sustainable activism.

Reboot the Roots

Reboot the Roots is a charity that promotes social inclusion through the arts. It uses theatre, music and workshops to support people who are denied their rights to full, happy and active participation in society. This includes those recovering from addiction, people living with HIV/AIDS and individuals who have been in conflict with the law. They facilitate workshops with the socially excluded, train trainers from other organisations and NGOs in techniques of art for inclusion, and help other practitioners to achieve their goals through logistical support, consultation and funding. They believe that creative tools for social transformation can enable people to participate fully and equally in society.

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