Project Partners : Living beyond capitalism in Catalunya

For the second in our series of Project Partner Spotlights we speak with Daniel Negro from Cooperativa Integral Catalana (CIC), a collective which launched in Catalunya in 2010, with the aim to build from the bottom-up a self-managed society beyond capitalism. Using the tools of direct democracy, cooperativism, self-organisation and self-management, the CIC now has about 300 individual […]

Socis del Projecte: Viure més enllà del capitalisme a Catalunya

Les formacions del Projecte Ulex donen suport a organitzacions d’Europa que estan treballant cap al canvi en diferents contextos. En aquest segon article de la nostra sèrie sobre Projectes Associats parlem amb el Daniel Negre de la Cooperativa Integral Catalana (CIC), un col·lectiu nascut a Catalunya en 2010 amb la intenció de construir un moviment […]

Project Partners: Spotlight on Women's Rights in Georgia

Ulex Project trainings support a number or organisations across Europe who are pushing for change in a variety of different contexts. For the first in a series of Project Partner Spotlights we speak with Ekaterine Gejadze, Project Coordinator from Women’s Fund in Georgia (WFG), an organisation which has been successfully working to improve and defend […]

ULEX Webinar: Theatre of the Oppressed - April 27

Join us for this online webinar exploring how Theatre of the Oppressed can help us transform ourselves, our activism and our world.  The webinar will include input from three experienced facilitators who are leading a range of 2017/18 trainings at the Ulex Project and will introduce key elements of Theatre of the Oppressed. It will explore […]

Support our Crowdfunder & the launch of the new centre!

Mark the date in your diary – MARCH 23 – when we’ll be launching our first crowdfunder! In fact our first ever people-powered fundraising campaign since we began offering trainings in 2008… Since then our work has touched into the lives of hundreds of people working on the frontlines of progressive social change; we’ve innovated and […]

ULEX: Whats in a name?

What’s in a name? Ulex is the latin name for the plant which in Catalunya we call argelaga. In English it is known as gorse. It’s a common thorny-evergreen flowering plant. Its yellow flowers and sweet fragrances are well known from the northern coast of Scotland to the edges of the Mediterranean Sea. What’s it got […]

Sustaining Resistance: A Story of Regenerative Organising

The Sustaining Resistance: Empowering Renewal training grew out of a gathering in a remote part of Catalunya to become an open source inspiration for sustainable activism training across Europe and beyond. Gee tells the story of its development. You might remember: 2009 was the year of the COP15, the United Nations Conference on Climate Change […]